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A member registered Apr 02, 2020

Recent community posts

would be nice to make a dev appreciation thread, they've been working so hard for us and I think they would love it if we hyped them up a little bit more! I really hope that seeing so many people being excited and waiting for the new chapter will make all of them happy and proud of the community and (obviously) of their product! :)

Oh yeah, will surely do the same uwu

It's a bit early to say it but

Have fun playing!

that last sentence really hits home

I'm kind of a night owl anyway EHEH don't worry too much 

I will be a little tired but it's alright, it's worth it!

oh yes

a truly strong bond ahah

im seriously THIS close to crying from the pure joy im feeling sgsakkas

well it's like 5am over here sooo

rip me

italy here and it's the 26th *sighs*

i should  honestly get some sleep lol

true that hehe

I'm gonna cry

i'm not the only one who keeps refreshing when it's like midnight something i see

Same dude 😂

(1 edit)

I read somewhere that it's gonna be released when it's evening in the USA so if you're in Europe it should take until the early  morning 

Just check the replies on their latest post, they might have more info hehe